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Control your WABA: A story inspired by Stephen Curry

Price as of February 17, 2025

At 6’ 3” Stephen Curry is no giant by NBA standards. But, in the history of the NBA, no player has changed the game more. Today more kids look up to Stephen Curry, than any other player in the NBA. This is easy to see, by his leading jersey sales and the way kids play today. If you visit any playground across the globe, you will see kids emulating his style.In addition to revolutionizing the game of basketball, Stephen Curry is also a father of three. Just like other NBA dads, the Curry’s face their parenting challenges just like the rest of us. During a recent interview, Curry shared his parenting principle, which he describes as WABA.WABA stands for Words, Actions, Behavior and Attitude.These principles help remind and teach kids to master what they can control, regardless of their circumstance.In this book, we will follow the journey of Justin, who is a big fan of Stephen Curry and aspires for greatness as he follows his basketball dreams. Justin faces many challenges along the way but uses WABA principles as a guide.



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